Indian wines are slowly gaining acceptance in the global market and it requires only branding push to get a leg into this lucrative business.
We present here two new wine making techniques.
The Mysuru-based Central Food Technology Research Institute (CFTRI) has developed wine from gamboges, a tree endemic to India (Western Ghats and Eastern Himalayas). The tree, whose botanical name is Garcinia xanthochymus, grows to about 10-15 meters tall, has dark green leaves, gives out a gummy yellow sap and bears a yellow fruit with juicy, acidic pulp.
The acidic fruit are used for beverages, preservatives, and as vinegar. Now, CFTRI has developed a process to produce wine out of the pulp of the fruit. The wine is a low alcoholic/ health drink having light yellow color containing alcohol below 12%.
Raw materials needed to produce the wine are Garcinia xanthochymus fruit, cane sugar and yeast. You would need a fruit crusher and de-seeder, stainless steel fermentation tanks, Bottling machine, filtration and assembly.
CFTRI estimates that it would cost around Rs 72 lakh for an installed capacity of 200 liters of wine per shift per day. The Institute can also teach quality control, packaging and packaging material specifications and equipment specifications.
Another wine
Another process for producing a wine has been developed by the Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur. This one is a tea-based wine and is a good source of anti-oxidants. “It is a unique product that can be made also with low-grade teas,” says IHBT. The wine is sweet, alcohol content can be made to vary between 9 per cent and 15 per cent.
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Also read: CFTRI has technology for green coffee extract, a weight-slasher drink
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