The Baba Atomic Research Centre (BARC) has developed a Quick Scan Whole Body Monitor (QS-WBM), an anin-vivo monitoring system for measurement of internal radioactive contamination in radiation workers handling high energy gamma emitters. It is developed in response to the need of the DAE facilities for rapid and efficient whole body monitoring of radiation workers following internal contamination due to gamma emitting radio nuclides. This covers most of fission and activation products encountered at various nuclear and radiological facilities. The system can also be used for monitoring members of the public during any radiation emergency, if need arises. Monitoring time can be set to as low as 1 min. making it a high throughput system (~ 25-30 persons per h). The monitor is designed to achieve sensitivity comparable with conventional WBM for a 1 minute counting time and accommodate 99% of the body dimensions of Indian occupational workers. The QS-WBM is a partially automated, unattended type and cost effective system, capable of monitoring large number of persons with minimum manpower. It perform all steps from monitoring of subject to CED evaluation and report generation.
Some of the key features include; High throughput -monitor ~30 persons per hour, one minute counting time, convenient standing counting geometry, 0.3 – 2.0 MeV gamma energy range, two large size Na(Tl) detectors, lead shielded enclosure with SS covering,
Easy to assemble and dismantle, no moving parts, low maintenance, except the detectors all components are indigenous, rapid assessment of WBC data, accommodate 99% of body dimension of Indian adults and an information on localized internal contamination can be obtained by analysing individual detector spectrum.
Applications include:
- Measurement of internal radioactive contamination due to gamma emitting radionuclides in human body during normal as well as in emergency situations.
- Useful for nuclear facilities involved in handling of High Energy Photon (HEP) (Eγ>200keV) emitters i.e. fission and activation products. These facilities are nuclear power plants, research reactors, research laboratories, isotope production, reprocessing, waste management, defence etc.
For further details contact: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Trombay, Mumbai – 400 085 India , Telephone: +91-22-25505050 / 25592000, Email:
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