Central Scientific Instruments Organisation Research has developed the Electrostatic Disinfection Machine.
Disinfection is the process to destroy or inhibit the growth of disease causing microorganisms thriving on the living and non-living surfaces. Surfaces, which are not cleaned properly and disinfected regularly, can become a hotbed for pathogens growth. Fruits and vegetables, poultry, livestock, food commodities, healthcare, public transport, airports and railways, hotels and catering, work place and offices are the objects/places, where harmful microorganisms makes people vulnerable to diseases. The conventional methods of disinfection such as manual washing and cleaning consumes more material with lesser efficiency and increased load of chemical waste in the environment.
The Electrostatic Disinfection Machine, based on the electrostatic principle, produces uniform and fine spray droplets of disinfection material in the range of 10-20 µm. Due to the small size of droplets, the surface area of spray droplets increases which enhances the interaction with the harmful microorganisms. Charged droplets cover the directly exposed and obscured surfaces uniformly with increased efficiency and efficacy. Therefore, it kills or inhibits the growth of pathogens. The machine uses very less disinfection material as compared to conventional methods, which helps to save natural resources and negligible increase of chemical waste in the environment.
This machine has major applications in Fruits and vegetables, Healthcare, Public transport, Poultry, Airports and railways, Hotels and catering, Workplace and offices.
For further information contact: CSIR Telephone: (+91)-172-2657190, Email: director@csio.res.in
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