CSIR-CLRI (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – Central Leather Research Institute) has developed a technology to process leathers from chicken feet skin. Chicken feet has been identified and screened as potential raw material for the leather industry to make exotic leather and other products. The raw material is a by-product of poultry and is cost effective. It has been developed with required properties, and consequently to panels and products from chicken feet leathers. The leather process technology developed is commercially viable and affordable with no significant deviation from conventional process technology. The developed technology would create an opportunity for small scale leather and product industries to make wealth from waste.
Some of the highlight features of the technology include; leathers with good strength characteristics and other required properties can be produced with this technology and different range of products can be made, the process does not involve sodium sulphide and there is no sludge formation during the beam house process, the processing does not involve any machinery other than pressing drums and there is no solid waste generation, cost effectiveness, availability and exotic pattern similar to that of the baby alligator with good strength properties. This technology has already been commercialized.
For further details contact: director@clri.res.in, +91 44 2491 0897 / 2443 7131
Leather like materials made out of plant waste
Biogas generation from organic wastes
Leather and other products made from fish skin
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