We would like to alert MSMEs to the immediate business opportunities arising out of technologies developed by DRDO. The defence research organistion has put out a fairly big range of products, the technology for which it is willing to transfer to the industry free of cost. These are off-shoots of technologies developed for its own Defence needs, but they have been tweaked for counter-Covid-19 applications.
Some are low cost—Ready-to-eat foods with shelf life of one year, face masks, sanitizers, personal protection equipment, face shields.
Some are medium cost—aerosol containment boxes (Rs 6,000), backpack and trolley mounted sanitization equipment.
Some are relative expensive—these range from isolation shelters, to medical examination tents (Rs 1.5 lakh) to inflatable quarantine chambers (Rs 10 lakh) to Oxygen generation plants (Rs 66 lakh).
DRDO is prepared to transfer technology in quick time—even on phone, for some products—free of cost. This is for all products except ventilators, technology for which has been given to BEL. DRDO might give this technology to others for a small fee later, but not immediately.
These products are expected to have a demand even after the Covid-19 crisis ends, which, by the way, is not likely to happen any time soon. And there is a good export potential for these products.
The most fundamental features of all these products are: simple design amenable to quick manufacture, ultra low cost.
For details about various products, do check out: https://www.drdo.gov.in/sites/default/files/whats_new_document/attach2.pdf
Or contact:
- Dr Mayank Dwivedi, Director DIITM on: Email: diitm@hqr.drdo.in
Mobile: 9968317667
- Dr Shivkumar, Director ER & IPR on: Email : erip_er@hqr.drdo.in
Mobile: 9868208123
Also read: Opportunities for MSMEs to manufacture ventilators, oxygen concentrators
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